Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 coming in 2012

Following the recent Sonic revival and 20th Anniversary celebrations comes news from SEGA’s Sonic Team that the second installment of the continuing ‘traditional’ Sonic saga – Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 – will be coming in 2012.

“It was always the plan. We knew about the anniversary year and Generations was planned way in advance. It was always our plan to release Sonic 4 Episode 2 after Generations.” reports the team, whose decision to bring back the familiar side-scrolling classic gameplay fo the 90s Sonic titles was a hugely popular one with gamers – that was of course before the reveal of Sonic Generations which was a styles clash of old and new school play.

Bearing in mind that Sonic CD is also set for a renewal on the Xbox LIVE platform, and a number of the classic titles become available for PSP during the birthday bash, with Sonic 4 Mark II coming along so soon after will it get lost in the sea of blue?

Nintendo took a slightly gentler approached when celebrating the seniority of its Legend of Zelda series, with a two year plan for several games kick started with the 3DS debut of the epically popular N64 title – Ocarina of Time.

We’d like to have seen one of the best titles get a revamp, we’d even be happy just to have Sonic Generations. For now. It seems like a lot of Sonic Boom coming at us all at once. We’re not complaining – we like the choice. With the blue fellow getting in on in years, maybe it’s time he slowed down a little!

Celebrate Sonic’s 20 Years with the Gadget Helpline’s retrospective article – here!

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