Sony closes its PSP Comic Store

Sony has announced that it will be closing its little known PSP Comic Store to the world from October 30th.

Now, we are right there with the rest of you in the thought of… “What is the PSP Comic Store?” but we have been informed it was a successful portal for PSP owners to download comics books directly to Playstation Portable devices.

Sony had actually stopped providing new content for the Comic Store last summer to focus on bringing the comic service to other Sony devices, and they now state that “Our focus now is to bring more digital entertainment services to our products.”

Sony has also made it clear that any currently owned comics will be available to download again until mid-January, but readers will be on their own to preserve existing libraries after that by using Sony’s Media Go application to back up the comics to a personal store.

Sony has already stated in its native Japan that a new PS Vita comics-like application will be coming in the form of the PS Manga Store, but there is still no word on an alternative for the newest handheld console for the US or European customers.

Sony is trying to answer some FAQs for customers who want to know more about the PSP Comic Store closing down, so you can ask them or check out the answers here>>

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