Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S On Sale Today On Vodafone

Those of you who are waiting to upgrade to Xperia Arc S will be glad to know the Vodafone UK’s online page has gone live.

Better still you’ll be able to pick the phone from their chain of stores from Tomorrow onward.

Signing a two-year contract you can pick up the phone for a very reasonable £31 per month for free, in gradient blue.

Apart from the from the new super-charge 1.4Ghz processor and a “3D sweep panorama” mode, there’s not much between the revamp and original.

The Arc S, using the 3D sweep panorama, can snap 3D pictures despite it not having two cameras, using Sony Ericsson’s new 3D tech

The 1.4GHz processor, deliverers 25 per cent faster camera start up and media conversion, as well as 20 per cent quicker web page rendering compared to Xperia arc.

You’ll get a Exmor-equipped 8.1 megapixel camera and the super sharp 4.2-inch Reality Display.

Ruediger Odenbach, General Manager, Sony Ericsson Middle East, said:  “Xperia arc S is the fastest and most entertaining Xperia to date. It clearly demonstrates the premier range of smartphones in the Xperia family that are embedded with features and offer a great entertainment experience.”

Consumers also have access to a unique social entertainment experience of sharing through Facebook inside Xperia, in addition to the extensive world of Android with over 250,000 applications

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