Sony Playstation Vita Sales at low 2.2 million – Original PSP Still Outselling!

Sony’s PlayStation Germany boss Uwe Bassendowski has revealed that the current Sony PSP Vita handheld gaming devices sales figures since its release, and it’s not as good as the company or we would have expected!

The figures state that life-to-date sales of the PS Vita equate to just 2.2 million units shipped since its release, and back in February Sony last announced that it had shipped 1.2 million units at that point.

The PS Vita does have a big old competitor in the form of the Nintendo 3DS, with the 3DS having shipped a huge 6.68 million units at the same point in its life cycle.

May customers have yet to pick up the console due to a Higher price tag and lack of games for the portable devices, both of which have been addressed, good and bad, by Sony.

At the Gamescom press conference last Tuesday, Sony has stated that there will not be a price cut in 2012, but that a host of new games were on their way for the console including Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, LittleBigPlanet and new IP Tearaway.

Its also been noted that the previous generation Sony PlayStation Portable, the PSP is still shipping over double the amount of units than the PS Vita.

PlayStation Europe CEO Jim Ryan told CVG: “We still have a significant PSP business in many markets, which is something that tends to be forgotten.”

The figures state that in the last three months, Sony sold 1.4 million handhelds around the world, but 1 million of those were PSPs, with the Vita’s share comprising the remaining 400,000 units.

Reportedly Uwe Bassendowski also stated that it was a “Mistake” to not market the PS Vita to a younger Audience in the first place and that Sony will now look to aim their marketing and games at a younger audience.

Source: CVG

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