Sony PSN/SOE Updates: FBI become involved in investigations – “Welcome Back” gifts to be offered when service resumes

Some updates in brief regarding the Sony network situation..

Cyber-security hot-shots and the FBI have been brought in by Sony to hopefully bring some resolve to the issues currently plaguing both the Playstation Network and Sony Online Entertainment network and to also catch those behind the attack which allowed 100-million gamer’s personal and financial data to be open to hackers.

The Sony network fail is now well into its second week and the company is poised to answer questions regarding the leak of its customers’ vital information from US Congress this week. Meanwhile a class action lawsuit from Canada for $1 billion has been dropped on Sony for the blunder.

Following a Sony press conference in Tokyo it’s been stated that the services are “under restoration” beginning with online gaming and Q Music, also account management and password reset are set to follow. However, wasn’t this previously claimed as a priority?

Sony will be offering free content and services as a “Welcome Back” incentive in attempt to win back infuriated customers (and save something of their reputation from this PR nightmare). The gift offer is set to include free downloads with a 30 day trial of the Playstation Plus premium service.

Sony, it seems, has given up committing to dates for when these things will actually happen..

The press release can be read HERE.

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