You may or may not be aware that the new Sony Xperia S handset, due to be launched very soon, has a new fast charging feature. However, until now, nobody knew how it worked or how fast it actually charges the smartphone.

We now have some details on exactly how the new feature will work on the much anticipated Xperia S. Apparently, if you plug the smartphone in to charge for around 10 minutes, you can expect to get around an hour of talk time.

On top of that, charging the phone for 30 minutes will give you 80 percent battery power. Once the charge exceeds 80 percent, the charging will be switched to the “standard” mode,  then the battery will be charged at a slower rate in order to preserve the battery until it’s 100 percent charged.

I’m sure you’ll agree that this should prove to be a very popular feature amongst Xperia S users. And if you’re like me, I hate having to wait for my phone to charge to an acceptable level; however I can tolerate waiting 30 minutes to get an 80 percent charge. Seems like a fair deal to me.

To learn more about the first Xperia phone to land without the ‘Ericsson’ part of the name, check out our article on the phone’s official announcement here.

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