The latest Bravia range of TV’s from Sony are reportedly set to include the Playstation Now service, which apparently allows users to rent or purchase, and then live stream and play games to their TV over the internet.
But how does it work? Well, the game is run on a high-end computer or console over at your local Sony HQ, and then the AV output is streamed directly to your TV over the internet. Your controller inputs are then sent back down the pipeline, which controls the game. Sony also says that the service will be lag-free, however this has not yet been confirmed. You will need a 5MBPS internet connection, at the very least and of course your Playstation 3 controller.
Sadly, the service is currently only announced for the US, where Playstation and its accompanying software are most popular. However most features tried out in the US eventually arrive in the UK and Europe.
See also: PlayStation Now not launching in the EU or UK until 2015
The Bravia 4k range itself is ultra-stylish, with the televisions boasting slim minimalistic, highly modern design, with some models including inbuilt speakers. The tvs also start at impressive screen sizes, themselves another impressive feature, as the screen meets the edge of the tv near-on perfectly, with only a slight visible border.
Bravia 4k tvs will be arriving shortly, billed for this Summer, however, only US models will include this feature. There may be updates or revisions later on which will enable this feature.