Spotify to launch new browser-based streaming website

Multiple sources are apparently claiming the music streaming service Spotify is planning on launching a new browser-based version of Spotify in the coming months to expand and make usage on the whole easier.

The move to a browser-based version from the desktop client application will open up the website to millions of more casual users from new people to the service or even to people who have restrictions on downloading programs at work or other venues.

Now the rumours are not speculating that the browser version will replace the desktop client, but with the service not receiving an update in over a year it seems that either a major change-up or an update to the service will be in the pipeline.

The browser-based update will also remove many of the issues that customers have with the service, such as compatibility with various operating systems and service packs, plus the online capabilities will place Spotify in line with its major competitors such as Rdio and Pandora.

With the online streaming market booming at the moment, Spotify will be looking to make the service more accessible to snare a bigger segment of the market and with the service now having over 4 million paying customers on board, the Swedish company are looking to open up to as many new users as possible.

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