Spotify’s New Beta iPad App Caught On Camera?

If the screenshot below turns out to be accurate, and indeed shows what is thought to be the official Spotify app for the iPad, no doubt iPad owners with Spotify subscriptions will be jumping for joy.

A Spotify app for iPad has been something that users have been requesting for quite some time, currently the top idea on the Spotify community website. However, Spotify have never confirmed that it had any intentions of developing an iPad version. So, if the image (which was uncovered by the folk at The Verge) turns out to be real, we now know that an iPad version of Spotify may not be too far away.

The image apparently shows what it a beta version of the app being tested. The images were originally posted by a Swedish technology consultant, who claims that it indeed is an official beta version of Spotify for iPad. Unfortunately though, the original source of the image has been removed.

Hopefully with the leak of the picture, we may hear some news soon from Spotify and their possible plans for releasing Spotify for iPad.

As always, if we get any further information about this, you can be assured to let you know.

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