Star Wars Complete Saga Blu-Ray pre-orders begin on Amazon – includes limited film cell

Star Wars: The Complete Saga blasts onto brilliant Blu-Ray on September 12th – with Amazon offering a great deal for you early birds – including a limited edition film cell.

The 6 movie – 9 disc edition of the Saga comes alive on the high-density format for the first time bringing with it masses of previously unreleased material and never-before-seen footage from LucasFilms’ cutting room floor as well as documentaries, interviews, spoofs and newly recorded commentaries from directors George Lucas and Irwin Kirshner, producer Rick McCallum, Princess Leia herself Carrie Fisher and many others.

In addition to all this great content Amazon are offering a pre-order extra of a bonus Limited Edition Star Wars Sentiype – a unique 35mm film frame reproduced from the original film footage using state-of-the-art imaging and printing techniques. The cell comes mounted on a stylish and individually numbered art card and the pre-order bundle is up for grabs for £67.49 with delivery free within the UK.

My only general grievance with the Star Wars: The Complete Saga, as a fan of the “old ways” there’s no conversion of the original classic 3 Episodes into Blu-Ray. Episodes IV-VI with all the strings and puppets isn’t even included as an alternative or extra. There’s plenty of room on the high-def disc package for it to be included and it has appeared previously on DVD format. It’s just nice to be reminded of a time when kids had to use their imagination and not get Force fed everything with a spoonful of CGI.

You can order now to guarantee your Blu-Ray collection’s arrival on day of release from

For those who can’t wait till September 12th LucasFilm and Apple have come have come together like a galactic alliance to bring us the Star Wars: Early Access app for iPhone and iPad – it’s was launched at the Comic-Con in San Diego last week, and as fans of course we blogged it!

It’ll be a exciting year ahead for fans of the Saga, with not only the Blu-Ray editions but also The Old Republic game taking over from Star Wars Galaxies, and next year’s title for motion controller Kinect system which has seen the launch of an official Xbox 360 console pimped out in a flashy ‘Droid paintjob- not forgetting the Saga will become 3D in early2012. Thus backing up what Master Obi Wan once told us – “The Force will be with you.. Always.” – or until the cash stops rolling in

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