Star Wars themed XBox 360 console coming in time for new Kinect game?

There are rumours hitting the net today from a Galaxy Far, Far Away – or maybe Redmond, Washington – which may see a Star Wars theme landing on Microsoft’s Xbox 360 – when the Saga blasts on motion control Kinect system for the very first time in 2012. A retail source for a top gaming website has suggested that Microsoft and LucasArts are planning to launch a custom console in familiar R2D2 colours.

After officially unveiling HALO and Gears of War pimped out consoles in the past, we think this might be a fair assessment and a blue and white droid would be exactly what the ubergeek community is looking for – also another great opportunity for Microsoft and Lucas to drain more cash from the bank accounts of naive gaming fanboys and fangirls.

It’s not the first time the Xbox 360 has received a custom makeover with a Star War flavour. Some have dabbled in the Dark Side of legitimacy and made some pretty impressive mock-ups. You may remember we covered the Iron Man themed red and gold console earlier this week. Well the same company behind that unit, Major League Mods have made a slightly smaller than life-sized R2D2 complete with lighting and projector – beat that Microsoft!

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Source: Kotaku, Major League Mods