Tag: AndyPad
AndyPad budget-friendly sub-£130 tablet is launched
You may recall the ‘budget-friendly’ AndyPad, aimed at the youth market and invented by a Norwich-based company, which we covered a few months ago and if the prospect of a low-priced but reasonable spec tablet caught your eye (or you missed out on an HP TouchPad bargain), you’ll be delighted to know that the slab…
Meet the AndyPad tablet – A bargain Android tablet made in the UK!
A UK manufacturer has been secretly developing a bargain basement Android tablet over the last year, designed to take the crowded market by storm. Forget your iPad 2s, your Motorola Xooms and even your HTC Flyer Tabs, meet the AndyPad tablet. Manufacturers AndyPad have just announced pricing for the tablet after keeping it hush hush…