Tag: outcry
New Macbook Causes Backlash Online
Yesterday we reported on the brand new, thinner Macbook that’s been announced by Apple – in the article we mentioned that the device’s performance will pack less of a punch than the Macbook Air, and truth be told this fact has somewhat enraged Apple’s fans who are only just getting wind of the release, with…
EE Helpline Allows Paid Queue Jumping
EE is one of the fastest expanding mobile networks in the UK, as well as the most complained about. Ofcom officially named the network as the most complained about in a recent report, apparently 0.12 customers out of every 1000 who use EE have complained to the regulatory body about the network’s service practices. Many…
Google Restores Right to be Forgotten Links After Media Outcry
The BBC is reporting that Google is much more reluctant to remove links under the EU ‘right to be forgotten’ ruling than previously thought, even going as far as reinstating as many links as they possibly can, but only after users apply pressure. Articles from notable news outlets, such as The Guardian, were removed from…