Teleportation Viral Video Exposed as Promotion for Chinese Role Playing Game

The internet has been abuzz over a supposedly super-heroic rescue video that has been spreading virally over social media sites for the past few days. The Chinese ‘CCTV footage’ seems to show a figure teleporting to save a cyclist from being hit by a fast moving truck – a split second before impact – and beaming out again, reappearing safely several feet away.

It’s a truly unbelievable video which has been attributed to everything from an angel to an alien but being a little bit savvier about unusual marketing campaigns this one left us scratching our heads and we wondered which blockbuster movie the clip might have been fictitiously created to promote.

We tried to back track the video to its earliest source but this proved very difficult, however through pure random luck we came across an answer to the astonishing vid on OpenMinds.TV – a UFO investigation site which debunked the idea that this was a visitation from beyond the stars and have sourced it back to a webpage promoting a mystical character from a Chinese multiplayer online role-playing game called Zhu Xian 2 (also known as Jade Dynasty in the United States).

The video appears on a micro-site for the ‘Dragon Totem Girl’ – a real-life character actress based on the game of deities and fantasies lead heroine – alongside other videos of her visiting school kids, petting some dogs and posing with Spider-man. Despite the video being linked on the character’s page, Perfect World – the company behind the game, is denying any involvement in the elaborate ruse.

It could still be aliens..

Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.

Source: OpenMinds.TV,


7 responses to “Teleportation Viral Video Exposed as Promotion for Chinese Role Playing Game”

  1. Hasn’t anyone tried and locate the truck driver and the man on the bike. .that would clear it up don’t you think..

  2. batyodi avatar

    This video game looks NOTHING like the video…

  3. bableochaaru avatar

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  4. Rachel Morris avatar
    Rachel Morris

    This is a good Cover up story…. I think its BLINK (x-men) she is real I just know it

  5. Dahil Fevzan Shirin avatar
    Dahil Fevzan Shirin

    this is no real

  6. Anthony sansera avatar
    Anthony sansera

    God said man is as good as it gets that GOD a one trick pony

  7. Boston John avatar
    Boston John

    Get used to it.