The Best of Tinder vs Vanity Fair

The creators of the Tinder dating app for Android and iOS have struck back at glossy gossip mag Vanity Fair on Twitter after an article suggested the app was nothing more than a ‘hook-up’ tool and that 30% of its registered users are actually already married.

Tinder has targeted the rag in a defensive tweet tirade, attempting to clarify the intent of its service, in particular to the segments author Nancy Jo Sales. This incredible war of words is still ongoing almost a day after it began with 30+ shots fired from the @Tinder account since the evening of August 11th.

Many of the comments come across as firm but informative and corrective, fairly professional – yet some of the others are just pure sarcastic, catty and downright amusing.

Here are some of the best tweets so far from Tinder:

“Hey @nancyjosales — that survey is incorrect. If you’re interested in having a factual conversation, we’re here.”

@VanityFair Little known fact: sex was invented in 2012 when Tinder was launched.”

“Our actual data says that 1.7% of Tinder users are married — not 30% as the preposterous GlobalWebIndex article indicated.”

“Next time reach out to us first @nancyjosales… that’s what journalists typically do.”

“It’s about meeting new people for all kinds of reasons. Travel, dating, relationships, friends and a shit ton of marriages.”

Nancy hasn’t been sitting pretty either, and has been retweeting support from readers including a quote from @NBCNews which sums it all up perfectly:

Tinder’s Twitter feed read like a letter from a scorned lover.

For the original and complete article that sparked this whole thing off check out “Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse” via Vanity Fair.