Twitter has performed a minor update to its service, which has reintroduced the ability to send full URL’s via the Direct Message feature, once again. Twitter previously had the feature, but some time ago it was removed, with many users raising this as an issue.

Well, the good news is that Twitter users can now send URLs in Direct Messages once again.

The recent maintenance work on Twitters backend and infrastructure has re-instated the service back to the site, much to the happiness of many users.

As with all things Twitter, Characters are in short demand so the Web links that are sent will automatically be shortened. Apparently the option to share a public tweet via Direct Message is expected to be added in another update, later on this week.

Another feature expected in the coming weeks is an ‘Instant timeline’ feature, which will show users content from accounts the user doesn’t follow, in a bit to expand their view of Twitter accounts.

In recent Months, the company has been proactive in making the service more user-friendly with a few updates to Twitter online and using the App.