Old Twitter Page to Disappear This Week

Micro-blogging site Twitter has confirmed that it will be banishing the “Old Twitter” page design as of this week.

Twitter posted the news in a tweet (how else?), confirming that the “New Twitter” layout would be coming into full effect by the end of the week, with no way back to the trusty old version.

“If you’re currently using Old Twitter, we want to let you know that you’ll be upgraded to New Twitter this week,” the company revealed on its official Twitter page.

Twitter has been trialling the new page layout for several months now, changing the page layout by default to the new style for all users, but still leaving in the option to switch back to the old version “for a short period of time only”.

I’ve been relying on that “switch to the old Twitter” button for a long time now – I just can’t get along with the new version. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this way, but perhaps I should just learn to love the new layout. It’s got inbuilt multimedia functions and a fresher design, after all.

Happy or sad to see the Old Twitter go? Let us know what you think via our very own Twitter Page.