UK prime minister David Cameron is known for his more traditional values on adult and illegal content online. Whilst some critics have implied that these crusades against copyrighted files and porn on the internet are distractions from other issues, the PM does often attempt to promote good family values in public.
Following an earlier ultimatum to internet service providers to make turning on a adult content web filter an ‘unavoidable choice’ for users, Cameron is once again on the offensive. This time, he’s pushing for a more effective method or verifying that the internet end user is of the correct age to view adult content.
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The government in the UK are currently looking forward to a general election this May, so a multitude of last minute proposals and changes are coming out. This newest imposition on the internet hasn’t been officially detailed by the powers that be, but Mr. Cameron’s conservative party Facebook proposed some sort of independent regulator that may “determine, in conjunction with websites, how age verification controls will work and how websites that do not put them in place will be blocked.”
Last year some rumblings in government suggested similar systems to ones used on gambling sites, which verify ages based on payment information at the point of payment. But to be honest, there’s a whole load of ways one can get around filters. Third party programs or proxy websites are in existence that do exactly that.

The successful blocking of websites that show streamed videos of copyrighted shows is also one of the measures imposed online by the UK courts and government – but again, it’s just not working, sites are re-hosted or shown on proxies as fast as they are blocked.
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Along with the fact almost any pornographic image can be viewed, shared, or uploaded to almost any website or forum, the government’s attempt to regulate adult content online seems to be more of a token show of force to ‘concerned parent groups’ rather than a reliable measure to protect people.
We’ll keep you updated when and how the government plans on completing their implementation of such measures – but with the election looming on May the 7th it looks like this may simply be an early warning of something yet to come down the line.
Via: Engadget
Source: Conservative Party on Facebook