Virgin Already Working On Electric Cars

Sir Richard Branson is a cool customer. If anything’s going on in the tech game, you can bet he knows about it. Virgin’s charismatic head has already made his mark in space travel, with the new Virgin galactic service that ferries passengers into space, but now it looks like the company is coming down to earth. New revelations from Branson reveal that Virgin is joining the electronic car game.

Of course, the biggest competitor for Virgin is Tesla, and their equally cool leader Elon Musk. Tesla’s cars have attracted acclaim the world over, not to mention Musk’s obsessive quest to be a household name in the space rocket trade. Could we see sparks fly between bearded Brit Branson and the enigmatic Elon as the pair face off on the world’s roads?

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Whilst the pair facing off in some kind of boxing match setting would be a sight to see, it’s more than likely that Virgin’s vehicle will be a while in the making. Coy Branson revealed recently in a Bloomberg interview that “[Virgin] have teams of people working on electric cars. So you never know – you may find Virgin competing with the Tesla in the car business as we do in the space business. We will see what happens.”

Virgin’s not the kind of company that’ll be taking half measures. Fresh from Formula E, the electronic car racing series, the company has a good deal of knowledge in the building of electronic vehicles. Of course, there’s also their massive funding and global acclaim to consider.

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There’s certainly  big hype on electronic cars since Tesla arrived. reportedly Apple might enter the market too, along with speculated vehicles from Porsche and Mercedes. Tesla definitely set the benchmark – Musks’s vehicles are the ultimate in terms of electronic luxury – could beardy Branson bring us something more affordable?

Here in the UK, Sir Richard’s home turf, there’s already a big push into self driving electronic drone vehicles – the streets are set to be teeming with ‘drone cars’ for public transport. Virgin are likely to make an appearance there, too.

We’ll stay on the pulse as Virgin reveals any further plans down the line – at any rate, Elon Musk better watch his back, Sir Richard doesn’t take any prisoners.

Via: T3

Via: Stuff