Virgin Media Launches The Dark Knight Rises App for TiVo – Trailers, Photos and More

We’re sure you caught the Gadget Helpline’s recent The Dark Knight Rises feature including our Essential Guide to the Best Bat Apps, Games and Gadgets to check out ahead of one of this year’s most anticipated cinema releases, and the epic conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy which is out tomorrow! (Friday, July 20th).

A late addition to our virtual utility belt full of exciting and entertaining tie-ins comes from Virgin Media which has lined-up a new ‘DKR’ companion app for its TiVo service subscribers.

The catch-up, on-demand and live telly digital service from Virgin Media is now host to exclusive clips, trailers and character bios from all three most recent Batman movies including Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2009) and the newest – The Dark Knight Rises with TiVo customers granted access to photos of the stars such as Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne and Anne Hathaway as Selena Kyle (aka Catwoman) as well as a synopsis of the new movie which re-introduces main bad guy Bane to the big screen as played by Tom Hardy.

In addition to the app, which can be found under the ‘Apps and Games’ menu on TiVo, the previous two movies in the Dark Knight trilogy are also available to rent through the Virgin Media service – giving fans a chance to catch up before hitting he multiplexes this weekend!

We have to wonder – with the similarities between billionaire businessmen Bruce Wayne and the pioneering Virgin brand owner Richard Branson, why the latter has never donned a cowl to become a superhero in his own right!

The Dark Knight Rises is released on Friday, July 20th and you can recap with the Gadget’s Helpline’s Essential Guide – Here.

Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.

Screenshot: Pocket-Lint