Virgin Media opening free gaming space at London’s Silicon Roundabout

Gaming fans in London will want to get themselves down to a new site which offers free gaming with the latest games and kit, courtesy of Richard Branson’s Virgin Media.

Located on Silicon Roundabout in London – the up and coming tech hub of the country which is named after the famous Silicon Valley in California, USA – is a pop-up space dedicated to gaming. There, a plush and very modern looking ‘game space’ has been set up to show off new titles including indie games from little-known developers and bring gaming minds together.

Responsible for the collection of games on offer is David Hayward, who also curates the Indie Games Arcade collection at the hugely popular Eurogamer Expo event, which takes place at the end of September. Titles such as Beyond: Two Soles and Super Pole Rider will be there to play for free between August 27th and the end of September.

Also on display and ready to play with is the Oculus Rift: a virtual reality headset designed for immersive 3D gaming with head tracking built in. Whilst we’re yet to go eyes-on with this gaming beauty, from what we’ve heard we thoroughly recommend taking the opportunity to have a go with one if you can – we certainly will be!

Throughout its time the space will feature weekly activities to promote gaming and the industry, particularly amongst young people. For example, a 24 hour game jam will run during week one whereby developers will come up with games and ideas for children with mobility problems.

From August 27th through September 21st the space will be open every day from 10am to 7pm. To find out more, check out the website right here.