It’s always a real pain in the rear when your phone blindsides you with a bucketload of hidden charges on your post-holiday bill. Mostly these are due to data roaming, which in layman’s terms is your phone operator charging you an extra tariff for using your phone abroad. As if you weren’t cash strapped enough after that long trip…
Most mobile phone network companies have sensed discontent amongst their more affluent customers, those who travel not just for leisure such business executives and other regular travellers who keep getting hit hard by these charges, and have implemented discounts and/or small perks to keep people happy.
Vodafone’s service, World Traveller, is one of those discount schemes. A continuation of Voda’s previous EuroTraveller service, World Traveller does away with itemised roaming charges is several countries, meaning you can use your already negotiated data, text and call allowances in the USA, India, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, Ghana, Qatar and South Africa for just £5 per day, just by dialling 5555 when you arrive in your destination.

Vodafone’s cell coverage is still as comprehensive as it always has been, but with regards to travelling abroad, other networks, such as Three and their Feel At Home program, which completely removes additional charges in 16 countries worldwide including Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Macau, Norway the Republic of Ireland, Sri Lanka ,Sweden, Switzerland and The USA.
Other networks offering decreased data roaming charges include EE and O2, who both offer similar services within the Europe zone (Including Switzerland, but not including Turkey) for around £2 per day. They don’t yet offer a world traveller option.
It’s a tough choice, since Vodafone’s signal coverage and international service might just sway you in their direction, but on the other hand, the service from Three is cheaper.
You can check out the full story, terms and conditions, ins, out, bits, bobs and everything else you might need to know about World Traveller at Vodafone.co.uk. Also, if you’re interested in their Euro Traveller, or any other data roaming packages, you can check out the source page below.
Source: Vodafone
World Traveller