It’s been delayed several times but the finale and most eagerly awaited version of GTA 5 is set to release tomorrow, It surely to late in the day now for Rockstar to delay it again. So it’s safe to say I’m hyped and if you reading this so are you. The important thing now is when it releases on the 24th. The game releases April 14, but that doesn’t mean the stroke of midnight for every country (we all hit midnight at different times). Unless you live in Britain.

Thankfully Rockstar support twitter account have kindly worked out the respective times for each region for us, below is the guide for those of you wondering exactly when the game will unlock on Steam. If you’ve got the game pre-loaded already, this is the earliest you’ll be able to play depending on your region and how smooth the release is. Those of you in the US will actually be able to play the game on the 13th.
BST (British Summer Time): April 14 at 12:00 AM
AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time): April 14 at 9 AM
AWST (Australian Western Standard Time): April 14 at 7 AM
EST (Eastern Standard Time, US): April 13 at 7:00 PM
PST (Pacific Standard Time, US): April 13 at 4:00 PM
After waiting this long the release of GTA 5 should be perfect, if I’m not in tomorrow then you know the games as good as we all hope.