Waste your afternoon with Nexus Contraptions game on Youtube

When it comes to a spot of interactive fun on the interwebs, Google is king. Their Google Doodles are great, remember the playable Pacman one? Well now they’ve created a highly addictive interactive game designed to promote awareness of the Nexus S smartphone, and cause you to lose an entire afternoon on the page.

It’s called Nexus Contraptions and you’ll find it on one of Google’s YouTube pages, the link for which is at the bottom of this page.

The idea of the game is to get the little Google ball into the funnel, which just so happens to be cleverly placed behind a host of obstacles or barriers. You get to drag a series of ‘devices’ into the play space and carefully position and rotate them to help the ball on its way to the funnel.

Each stage that you complete is timed, which is then put on a leaderboard that appears at the end of each stage, so if you do well people will see you! The name of the game is to build a Nexus S smartphone using the features you obtain after completing each stage. We won’t spoil it for you, go find out for yourself!

Play the game here.

Don’t forget to tell us your top scores, and we’ll see if we can beat them!