Windows Phone 8 Build Appears In Social Networking App

It would seem that Microsoft is indeed testing early builds of Windows Phone 8, which currently goes by the codename of Apollo.

It’s been discovered by the guys over at WPCentral that a test build is being used, as a specific build number was mentioned within a social networking app. Under the device statistics section for the app, there was an entry for Windows Phone 8, specifically build 8.0.09662.0.

It’s thought that Microsoft started testing Windows Phone 8 internally around the 30th of March, and according to the developer of the app, it would seem that this version of WP8 was actually being used on an emulator opposed to an actual smartphone.

Windows Phone 8 is expected to be officially announced this summer and released towards the end of 2012. It will be the first major overhaul of the OS since it was first released back in 2010. Some of the features expected to be supported in WP8 include dual-core CPUs, additional display resolutions and NFC capabilities amongst other things.

With summer not too far away now, we’ll look forward to see exactly what Windows Phone 8 has to offer.

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