Windows Phone App Marketplace Reaches 50,000 Apps

Microsoft’s Windows Phone has reached impressive milestone today as it now has 50,000 apps according to All About Windows Phone.

It was only in November that the company was celebrating reaching 40,000 apps and since then they’ve added an impressive 10,000 apps to the platform.

Officially Microsoft reckons that there are “more than 35,000 apps”, the reason for the large discrepancy is that Microsoft doesn’t count extremely simple apps like wallpapers or multiple versions of the same app.

But, to put it in perspective Apple’s App store has around 600,000 apps and the Android Marketplace isn’t far behind with 500,000 apps respectively. But the impressive growth of the Windows app marketplace does show that the platform is growing rapidly.

The platform hit 50,000 apps sooner than all platforms except iOS, in just 14 months, the report notes. It took Android 19 months to reach that mark.

Microsoft has seen a strong uptake in the number of apps submitted and approved in the past few weeks. The number of apps is growing at a rate of 265 items per.

The sudden growth spurt is being attributed to increased availability of Windows Phones (the number of countries recently went up from 16 to 35) and the highly anticipated release of  Nokia handsets like the Lumia 800.

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