Wolfenstein and Doom are both in the spotlight today, as yet another wave of remakes is set to hit shelves. The main buzz though is about Doom 4, which is available in pre-release beta form, but more on that in a sec.
The New Order is today’s new iteration of the classic Wolfenstein series, once a memorable two dimensional shooter which proudly featured this guy as a final boss. He’s cute, no.
Metal (Hitler) GEAR?!But now it’s the future, and since 2D games are the province of indie studios (riff raff), Bethesda Softworks and MachineWorks have teamed up to bring Wolfenstein into the three dimensional world once more, slamming the series into the modern gaming limelight with an ambitious and interesting plot and an inventive setting. Ask yourself – what if the Nazis HAD won World War II, what if they had somehow pulled some mysterious technological firepower out of a hat to win the big one. Well, we all know how bad that would’ve been, obviously, but let’s step back a sec. It’s just a game.
So, following the techno-Nazi victory over the entire world, a resistance movement has scrambled out of the woodwork, plotting their demise, and hopefully a chance at lasting peace and equality for all, Aryan and Ginger alike. A rampage across an alternate universe 1960’s Europe is on the cards, hopefully with the destruction of several notable landmarks to boot. It’s going to be a bumpy, but thrilling ride. Released content so far leans toward the high-tech, featuring weaponry out of science fiction and some imposing giant robots, complete with nasty pointy teeth.
This is the premise The New Order works on, and it’s a pretty decent one. Excited yet? Another reason to be excited is the inclusion of a beta key for Doom 4, as we said earlier. The beta key is available as a pre order bonus, which is a nice incentive, and will allow players to get a preview of the next instalment in what was at one time the most controversial game series of all time. This of course was because of violence, blood and gore, use of guns and satanic references, all trivial offences by today’s standards. Doom 4 has been talked about in hushed tones for years, and this beta finally confirms the title is on its way. Let’s just hope it’s not going to be Duke Nukem Forever all over again *shudder*.
Wolfenstein: The New Order is available on 23rd May on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC. Preorder for the Doom 4 Beta, participating vendors not yet confirmed. Full details at www.wolfenstein.com/doom