World of Warcraft Remembers Robin Williams


It’s a sad day when one of the celebrities whose work most inspired, comforted, amused or entertained you passes away before their time. The internet has been abuzz with the announcement of the tragic passing of veteran actor and comedian Robin Williams on the 11th of August, whose career overlapped with the lives a massive proportion of today’s population, young and old.

On top of contributing to blockbuster movies, from Good Morning Vietnam to Good Will Hunting, plus the unforgettable Mrs. Doubtfire, Williams was also an avid gamer, frequenting World of Warcraft regularly, as well as naming his daughter, Zelda, after the titular video game princess from Nintendo’s famous series.

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On hearing of his passing loyal World of Warcraft fans created a petition, which reached its goal in record time, to get Blizzard, the makers of World of Warcraft, to insert a tribute to the actor into the game in the form of a new character.

Williams, who more than once mentioned taking his characters on the game very seriously, apparently frequented the Mannaroth server in the US, was described as “something of a troll in trade on good days or when anonymity [was] allowed.” by the petition’s description.

Blizzard responded in less than 24 hours, with Technical Game Designer Chadd Nervigg announcing on Twitter that the company was “taking care of it” with regards to the petition, which reached its goal in under a day after being posted.

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“It is with a growing sense of pride for the world of warcraft community that I declare victory for this petition,” organiser Jacob Holgate said on the petition’s completion. “In less than twenty four hours we’ve earned eleven thousand signatures, a huge amount of traction on many gaming and new outlets, as well as assurance from Blizzard employees that our desire for a Robin Williams tribute and or NPC will be handled with great care.”

And so, if you happen to be around the World’s End Tavern (give it around a week or two) you may, according to the petition, see a new character based on Robin Williams delivering jokes in the actor’s unique style. Gone but not forgotten, at least not on World of Warcraft, rest in peace.

Source: Daily Mail UK