Xbox 360 and PS3 sales tied at 70 million consoles a piece

The classic “Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3” argument has been raging on for around a decade now, with the majority of gamers split evenly. Both consoles have their advantages, but does one actually outsell the other?

The answer is no. Both consoles recently reached the 70 million mark in terms of sales, although Microsoft revealed it hit the 70 million mark during the first three months of this year, whereas Sony has just revealed its figures.

PS3 fans will no doubt point out that Microsoft enjoyed a one year head start on Sony in terms of sales, which would technically mean Sony has shifted more consoles in a shorter space of time. The PS3 originally launched in Japan six years ago this month, while the Xbox 360 launched in 2005.

Sony’s original PlayStation 3 launch wasn’t the huge success it was supposed to be, with many bemoaning the very high price tag. On the other hand, the Xbox 360 sold out at launch in most regions. Since then the price of the PS3 has dropped dramatically from around £500 to under £200, which has no doubt contributed to its rising success.

With both manufacturers recently launching new slimmer and lighter consoles, the race is on to provide the best games and a great ecosystem. Microsoft is turning its Xbox 360 into the all-in-one entertainment device for your living room with movies, music and social aspects, with Sony doing much the same with its PlayStation Network.

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Via: Sony