Xbox 720 details to be revealed in final issue of Xbox World magazine

December is set to be something of a sad month for gaming magazines, as PlayStation: The Official Magazine, Nintendo Power and Xbox World all publish their penultimate and final issues before coming to a close. Not content on going out with a whimper, Xbox World is set to publish every juicy detail it has on the forthcoming Xbox 720 in its penultimate December issue.

The front cover of next month’s issue mentions augmented reality, 3D sound and Kinect 2.0 all as leading features, all of which line up with features leaked in an internal Microsoft document a few months back. According to the magazine, Xbox developers will reveal all about Microsoft’s highly anticipated next-gen console just in time for Christmas.

The publication feels very sure that the details it will be revealing in the issue are all legit, with information coming from Xbox developers themselves, who have been briefed on the forthcoming console and it’s features by Microsoft.

“Xbox World has been at the cutting edge of Durango coverage for over 12 months,” Editor-in-Chief Dan Dawkins told CVG “Unless something really dramatic changes, everything we reveal in our penultimate issue will be revealed long before E3 in June.”

Before we even get into features and specifications, Xbox World confirms that the ‘Xbox 720’ or ‘Durango’ console will simply be called ‘Xbox’ by Microsoft. The Xbox 360’s predecessor of course will be sharing this name which makes it seem more than a little odd, though perhaps Microsoft will hope that people will have forgotten about that console by the time the new model comes out. Or maybe it will do an Apple and refer to it as ‘the new Xbox’.

The mag also spills specification details like they’re going out of fashion, with a hefty 8GB of RAM and a processor that packs four hardware cores that are each divided into “four logical cores”. There’s also confirmation of a Blu-ray drive at long last, and a revamped second generation Kinect system.

Xbox World’s December issue will contain an 8 page special feature on the new Xbox, so it’s going to be a worthwhile purchase for gamers here in the UK.

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Via: CVG