Xbox One April update features leaked – Notifications, 50Hz Blu-ray and Kinect updates

Just 2 weeks after the second major Xbox One update has landed, a Microsoft previewer has already leaked the outline plans for another software update that will bring a host of improvements to the next gen console as well as a few new features this April.

Whilst the last update featured many changes geared towards the launch of TitanFall for the XB1, the April update will have improvements to the notifications system, Blu-Ray output, DVR quality and to the Kinect setup.

The biggest part of the update will be a new progress bar which will allow gamers to see when save games are being written as well as how close updates are to completing for both games and apps.

The social aspect of the Xbox One will also be improved with new notifications for when your “favourite” friends login to Xbox LIVE, and an easier way to see what your friends are up to online.

There will also be an improvement to the Kinect setup as the voice and motion capture will be fine-tuned as part of a quality update. There’s little known about this just yet, but it’s likely that Microsoft will simply be fine tuning things under the hood so that Kinect works as well as it possibly can.

Finally,for Blu-ray fans the update will allow 50hz video output which is a big change for Xbox One owners in Europe as the 60hz format common in the  US is not so common in Europe. Currently the Xbox One only outputs Blu-ray playback in 50hz which can cause playback problems such as screen shakes or judders. The update should eliminate this sort of thing for good.

The update is currently being tested by Xbox previewers and we will be expecting the update in April. As the Xbox One “grows” Microsoft will be adding more and more new features, so monthly updates like these will be common.