Xbox One to launch 8th November?

Last week we were treated to a host of information surrounding the Sony Playstation 4 and Xbox One courtesy of the Gamescom event that was taking place in Cologne, however one thing that was missing from the Xbox One showing was the actual release date for its incoming console.

Sony announced that the PS4 will be hitting the US on November the 14th and then two weeks later us Europeans will get the new console on the 29th of November, but Microsoft were quiet on their front.

Well it appears that this date may now be leaked, as Kotaku is reporting that the Xbox One will be landing one whole week ahead of the Playstation 4 US release as reports are suggesting a November the 8th launch date.

The information is reportedly been leaked by a Wal-Mart associated marketing company employee in the US who apparently has been dealing with the Microsoft Xbox one release information and who have forwarded on Kotuku and internal email that states Wal-Mart’s in the US will be running midnight openings for the event.

If this source is correct we now see that Microsoft will have a week long advantage over Sony, but for us in the UK and Europe we are still pretty much in the dark. Could Microsoft follow suit and release the console 2 weeks after the US (meaning a UK release on the 22nd November) or will they hold off the console for longer?

Hopefully we won’t have to wait much longer for Microsoft to announce the release dates for the much anticipated Xbox One console!