Microsoft video boasts ‘8-Second Boot’ for Windows 8th Edition

Microsoft has hit up YouTube with a boastful claim that the next-gen Windows operating system’s boot-up time will be only eight seconds.

The new video entitled, simply – “Windows 8 boots in eight seconds”, part of the “Building Windows 8” series, shows-off the OS in action and Program Manager and ‘charismatic’ hostess Emily Wilson demonstrates the speedy start-up on an HP laptop. Removing the battery, so to start a fresh, she re-inserts the battery, powers on the laptop and – POW – within seconds there’s Window 8 ready to roll!

With a get-go speed to rival the MacBook Air, the revived Windows platform, rumoured not even to be called “Windows” in its completed form, saves the kernal session, reducing the processing time required to get up and running – and in Windows 7 that, as many of us know, can be quite a wait at times.

Steve Sinofsky, President of the Windows Division explains in a blog “If you’re not familiar with hibernation, we’re effectively saving the system state and memory contents to a file on disk (hiberfil.sys) and then reading that back in on resume and restoring contents back to memory. Using this technique with boot gives us a significant advantage for boot times, since reading the hiberfile in and reinitializing drivers is much faster on most systems.”

These boots were not made for walking!

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