Google UK claims 92 per cent of internet searches in June

While Google’s popularity in the UK isn’t exactly fresh news, a new report from industry analysts Experian Hitwise has revealed that June has seen the search giant’s best results ever. According to the stats, Google managed to claim a 92 per cent share of all UK internet searches last month.

Whereas Microsoft saw searches through its Bing service drop by around 1.38 per cent for the month, Google’s rose by 1.50 per cent. Experian Hitwise says of the news: “Google has certainly been dominant in search for the last ten years but even by Google’s high standards, to capture 92% of the UK search market is quite an achievement.” The search giant has recently unveiled a new, more refined and modern look across its many platforms, suggesting it’s still hungry for users’ attention.

EH claims that google has more traction here than in most other markets – suggesting that the US has a much more evenly distributed search market.  “In the UK Google has woven itself into the core fabric of Internet usage so much that other players are struggling to keep up,” says the company. “The interesting challenge for the future is how other search engines will react to compete with Google’s ever expanding list of propositions, including the new Google+ social platform.”

Has Google ensured its place at the top of the search ladder forever, or can it be toppled? Let us know on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.