Alcatel shows us its very first smartwatch the OneTouch Watch

I’m sure you’ll be aware, 2014 was a big year for wearable technology, we seen a lot of manufacturers entering the market, and obviously Apple’s announcement of their new iWatch due for release early this year.

And now, not wanting to feel left out, TCL the company behind the popular Alcatel brand has just showed us what their first smartwatch will look like.

The smartwatch will be known as the Alcatel OneTouch Watch, and obviously they seem very proud of what they have managed to achieve with this bit of wearable tech – considering they have decided to tease us with some information before it’s official announcement (most probably at this year’s CES 2015).

So, what do we know? Well, not a lot to be honest, as the company have decided to keep that information hush and presumably everything will be unveiled next week. Information published online suggests that it will have similar features to other smartwatches currently on the market, such as fitness sensors. Also, as we can see from the picture, Alcatel have decided to go for the rounded watch design, which certainly seems like a popular choice amongst users at the moment, competing with the likes of the Moto 360 and also the more recent LG G Watch R. We can also see that the watch will be offered with at least four different strap options, hopefully appealing to peoples various tastes.

From the pictures, it’s hard to tell whether the smartwatch will be using Android Wear, but considering the company’s line of smartphones do, we will assume the same. The only other point to mention is that the Chinese company did say that it will be a smartwatch with a “smart price”, so hopefully the OneTouch Watch will be a bit more competitively priced compared to other current smartwatches on the market.

So, hopefully we will get to see the smartwatch in a bit more detail when it’s likely to be announced next week during CES. As soon as we get more information, you can be assured we’ll let you know.