Tech details for the as-yet no-progess Amazon Kindle tablet have escaped online and we can now share the spec on the online retailer’s venture into the tablet market.

The soon to be built Amazon Kindle Tablet will come riding in on a single-core processor and 6GB of storage with cloud access available. It will feature a 7” touchscreen, this with a two finger gesture support and no physical buttons on the front fascia.
The Kindle Tablet will come with a rubber backing much like the Blackberry Playbook, but will strangely include no camera – front or rear-facing.
The OS of choice will be Android, with 2.2 being the version the Kindle Tablet was designed around. Apps will be purchasable through Amazon’s own Appstore and now Google Apps are said to be visible on the tablet screen.
A ‘carousel’ interface will provide navigation through books, movies and music in a ‘very responsive’ user interface. Turning the tablet to portrait position offers a favourites setting, which when tilted to landscape becomes hidden on the Kindle Tablet.
The eReader app is said to look and function like an amalgamation of Apple’s iOS and the existing Kindle app for Android, and provide a ‘storefront’ to Amazon’s key business – the online retail site – through a ‘Window Shopping’ feature.
The Amazon Kindle tablet will of course be focused on its reading and multimedia content and will provide a gateway to the vast libraries of relevant content on its own retail platform. Perhaps this explains the absence of Google’s own Android Market and similar wares?
What this tablet will lack, where other tablets benefit, won’t be missed by those who fork out their $250 for the purpose of the Amazon Tablet. Can it really compete with the likes of iPad 2? We don’t think so, but the Kindle Tablet will please those who it’s designed for.
The Amazon website is currently getting a facelift for the anticipated tablet reveal. Check out the Gadget Helpline’s article – here.
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Source: TechCrunch