Amazon Prime Day Returns on July 12th!

Time to get excited folks – Amazon Prime Day is set to return on July 12th, 2016!

Once again encouraging Amazon customers to subscribe to a Prime membership to bag a bargain in a day full of ‘countdown deals’, Black Friday’s lesser loved little sibling is back for its second hurrah next month following last year’s massive savings on an interesting range of  random items such as nappies and a pack of sharpies.

Anything of any actually interest to anyone received the most minimal and disappointing discounts, including a 10 cent saving that was spotted on a PS4 – and even then all items seemed to sell out in minutes.

BUT.. Amazon is confident that this time around Prime Day will be bigger and better than before!

In honesty, after last year’s farcical attempt to bring savings to the masses – which turned into a bit of an online car boot sale – our expectations for Prime Day 2016 are staying fairly low. We’re not alone in thinking it was all a bit of a botch last year and customers of course heading to Twitter to vent their ire with hashtags such as #UnhappyPrimeDay, #PrimeDayFail and #AmazonSucks. Many would agree that watching the Amazon Prime Day backlash on Twitter was actually better than watching the deals pop up on Amazon itself.

Amazon addressed last year’s Prime Day criticisms stating: “A deal may be weird to someone but wonderful to someone else, and we embrace that – We’ll have deals across every category on Prime Day this year.”

It’s believed that more tech products will be sold off during Prime Day 2 and we’ll endeavour to bring you the best (or the best of the worst!)