Analyst Predict No New Console From Sony And Microsoft Until 2014

Nintendo Ready to Steal a March on Sony & Microsoft

Nintendo made quite a splash last week with rumours flying around the internet indicating that they are ready to ditch the Wii and make a start on the next generation. But what does this mean for Sony & Microsoft?

According to analysts this will have little or no effect on Sony and Microsoft’s plans for their next consoles, as they still firmly believe that we won’t be seeing new consoles from the other two until 2014 at the earliest, giving Nintendo at least a 2 year head start – that’s of course if the rumours are true that the Wii 2 will be available in 2012.

In the world of Blu-ray players, the PS3 stands alone as a swiss army knife of media, gaming and entertainment. Whether you’re looking to stream movies, play the latest games or simply hoping to watch a Blu-ray disc, this console is your one-stop-shop. According to insiders speaking to gaming blog Kotaku, “both MS and Sony are telegraphing to each other that they’re delaying, to milk the current [generation] and fill in previous craters better”

The real winner with today’s news could be Nintendo. Since we fully expect the Nintendo Wii HD to be unveiled at this year’s E3 Expo, the door is open for the gaming giant to make up ground in the high-end market.

With a two year head start and a refocus on hardcore gaming, they could pull another lead while the other two squeeze out every last sale before they announce their new console.

Essentially it comes down to market forces, if Sony and Microsoft’s sales begin to plateau soon, then you might see the next generation start ever earlier, but at the moment, there’s no reason for them to throw in the towel just yet.

We expect Nintendo to announce their new console in a matter of weeks at this year’s E3, quite what Sony and Microsoft will do to steal their thunder is unclear, but if they just show off games, E3 is going to be dominated by Nintendo. We for one can’t wait, gaming is getting exciting again, and it’s about time too.

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