Android 2.3 Gingerbread comes to HTC Desire range late April

It’s been reported that mobile operator Three will be releasing the latest version of Google Android software- that’s version 2.3, the tastily titled “Gingerbread” – on HTC Desire handsets as early as next month.

Living up to the promise made in February that the newest update to Google’s Android platform would appear in the second quarter of 2011, a tweet today confirmed that this is now scheduled for late April.

When launched on the HTC smartphones, the UK’s favourite mobile operating system (according to recent poll) will provide a quicker and smoother user experience, with the addition of NFC (Near Field Communciations) – a short-range wireless reader system allowing the exchange of information similar to Bluetooth. It can be used along the same lines as a scannable railcard, like the Oyster card system used in London.

Three’s distribution of Android 2.3 Gingerbread will cover the HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD,  HTC Desire Z.

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