Android 4.2.2 now hitting Nexus 4, brings Quick Settings changes

The Android 4.2.2 update to Jelly Bean is now starting to hit Google’s latest Nexus device, the Nexus 4 smartphone.

Word of the new update recently slipped out through Reddit earlier in the week, with a few reports of the software landing on Galaxy Nexus phones and Nexus 7 tablets.

The new software, which is a minor update to tweak options and improve any underlying problems, is now finally hitting the latest and greatest Nexus device around the world. Although our UK Nexus 4 bought from the UK Play Store hasn’t received the update yet, some other UK folk have managed to upgrade.

The software removes the 4G LTE connectivity that got Android fans a-flutter when it launched, so as to save any confusion. The phone isn’t 4G but elements in the software hinted that it was. It’s not, so Google has got rid of anything that hints that it might be.

The update also tweaks the quick settings you’ll find by dragging the notification bar down. You can now toggle Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on and off with a long press of either button, rather than being linked to the main Settings app, which was more convoluted than it needed to be.

There’s also a new low battery notification sound and a new sound for wireless charging when using the Nexus 4 with the official wireless charging orb from Google. Android 4.2.2 also includes a new download indicator that shows a progress bar.

The update is 47MB in size and so you’ll need to be connected to Wi-Fi before downloading. Check to see if you’re ready to upgrade by opening Settings, tapping About phone and then hitting System updates.