Android Samsung Galaxy S2 White and NFC coming soon?

We all love the Samsung Galaxy range of handsets and the latest release, the Galaxy S2, is possibly the finest Android Gingerbread sporting handset available right now. Everyone wants to know what Samsung is going to do next.

Well, today it would seem that the first thing on the cards is an iPhone-baiting white version of the Samsung Galaxy S2, as online phone and accessory retailer Clove has just placed a white version of the handset up for Pre Order.

The phone is listed with all of the same specs as its black sibling, with the only standout extra feature being the pasty exterior. The white version is listed as being available in a few weeks’ time, from the 15th of August, and will be priced around the £450 mark.

In other Galaxy news it would appear that the next handset out of the Samsung Galaxy cannon will be a NFC-equipped handset, as the as the US’ Federal Communications Commission (or FCC for short) has just approved a Samsung i777 smartphone for release.

The Samsung i777 is an updated form of the Galaxy SII (or S2) but the big difference is the incorporated NFC antenna on the battery cover, which will provide wireless connections with everything from wireless payment terminals in shops to wireless speakers.

The news is coming strictly from a US perspective but we in the UK and Europe normally get the Samsung Galaxy ranges before the Americans, so it’s a safe bet to say that we may also be seeing the NFC enabled handset too.

What do you think of this White Galaxy? Let us know what you think via our Twitter Page.