Andy Rubin To Start Smartphone Firm Essentials

Andy Rubin, famed for the creation of Android, one of the most popular Operating systems on the planet is preparing to take on the industry he helped to create.

Moving away from software involving AI into consumer hardware is fraught with pitfalls. For a start it involves something physical so resource demands need to be met.

To this end Rubin is setting up a company named Essential Products Inc. Essential are said to be speaking with mobile carrier executives later in 2017. Bloomberg reported that Mr Rubin had been discussing Essentials first smartphone with mobile carrier execs at CES last week.

Working as CEO, Andy is not alone on this venture though, he has a team of 40 behind him including previous employees of Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc.

The word on the internet across various blog sites is that Essentials are going to be making a flagship level smartphone capable of taking on the leaders in the market. This smartphone is just the tip of the iceberg though. Essentials will also be working on a matching set of consumer hardware products for mobiles and smarthomes.

Rubin’s prototype is expected to include top end kit with the added feature of being able to integrate other Essential hardware products in the future.

One important thing to note is that Rubin has been quoted in saying at a Bloomberg Technology conference:

“New computing platforms happen every 10 to 12 years,” citing MS-DOS, Windows PCs and mobile as examples. “What’s the next platform? It’s about data and people training AI systems to learn.”

On the subject of AI, Intel will be distributing their Nervana Engine Chip to key customers later this year. This chip is specially designed to speed up deep-learning in the cloud.  Before Intel acquired Nervana it was a deep learning start-up at Playground Global which helps artificial intelligence, robotics, and augmented reality projects start up. Andy Rubin is the founder and CEO of Playground Global.

It is well known that Rubin is convinced AI will be the next big change in the tech industry.

Here at Gadgethelpline we will be keeping an eye out for any real information on what the phone will look like, tech specs etc, so, for now, watch this space!