Angry Birds Star Wars “Path of the Jedi” Dodgy Download Fixed – How to Get Extra Levels!

Those hoping to get to grips with bonus levels on the addictive new Angry Birds Star Wars game for Android, Windows Phone 8 and iOS smartphones and tablets were recently left disappointed when Rovio failed to deliver an in-app purchase called “Path of the Jedi“, which costing £1.49 (more than the ad-free version of the full game), promised 40 more training levels and a new lightsaber for the Luke Skywalker bird.

The Gadget Helpline experienced this disturbance in the Force and reported the ineffective app to the Angry Birds Facebook page, and this did eventually get us a response from the developer who told us to tinker with some Google Play Store settings on our mobile which should allow us to access the elusive content and get us back in the game. This info turned out to be bogus, and we were frustratingly still left without the paid-for Angry Birds Star Wars levels!

However, thankfully to Gadget Helpline reader Brian Pluta who contacted us via our own Facebook Page, we can bring players a solution which does actually work – at a small cost. That cost is your Angry Birds Star Wars progress, as to retrieve your purchased levels featuring Jedi Master Yoda you will need to uninstall and reinstall the game from your app market of choice, Google Play or Apple App Store respectively.

With fingers tightly crossed we followed Brian’s instructions and can confirm that it does what we were told and on re-installing the game the previously locked levels are now all playable but all game history on the Tattooine and Death Star stages will indeed be lost and you will have to start from scratch.

When successfully installed, the “Path of the Jedi” offers 40 new Dagobah-based levels all featuring the Luke Skywalker bird and acts as a lead-in to the next Episode of the main Angry Birds Star Wars game which will start with the battle of Hoth.

Thanks again to Brian for his tip-off on our Gadget Helpline Facebook page!

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