Anonymous turns anti-hero in fight against child abuse online

Anonymous, the online hacking troupe that has previously crippled world governments and entertainment giants has turned its attention to cleaning up the internet from child pornography and preventing paedophilia.

The tech troublemakers have issued a warning to a number of servers, in particular Freedom Hosting, accusing the web hosts of “openly supporting” child pornography. This including depictions of rape, abduction and molestation – and a statement threatens “Freedom Hosting has been declared #OpDarknet Enemy Number One”.

“By taking down Freedom Hosting, we are eliminating 40+ child pornography websites, among these is Lolita City, one of the largest child pornography websites to date containing more than 100GB of child pornography”.

“Our demands are simple. Remove all child pornography content from your servers. Refuse to provide hosting services to any website dealing with child pornography. This statement is not just aimed at Freedom Hosting, but everyone on the internet. It does not matter who you are, if we find you to be hosting, promoting, or supporting child pornography, you will become a target.”

The statement is separated into 42 bulletpoints ending with the Anonymous mantra:

38. We are Anonymous.

39. We are Legion.

40. We do not forgive.

41. We do not forget.

42. Expect us.

This is a surprising turn of events from the online masters of mischief, Anonymous becoming an anti-hero in constantly-fought battle against the darker side of the internet. However, also on the Anonymous agenda is taking down Facebook on November 5th. Co-incidentally, the same day as the gunpowder plot as planned by its mascot – a masked imitation of Guy Fawkes.

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