Apple iOS Rises Against Android in the US and Windows Phone Grows by 24% in Europe

New research is stating that Apple has regained a little in its usage wars with Android, with the iPhone OS rising up 10% in the past year from 23-33%, whilst Android has taken a hit in usage with it dropping from 61% to 56% in the US market.

This is the second consecutive quarter where Android’s market shares fell and handset shipments have also slowed down with 13.4 million shipments being made, compared to 15.3 million during this time last year.

Again Apple has experienced a rise in iPhone shipments, with 7.9 million shipped in comparison to 5.9 million the same time last year.

RIM and BlackBerry are continuing to struggle with its BlackBerry OS falling to a share of just 6.5% of the market, down from last year’s 10.5%.

And in Europe things certainly are looking up for the Windows Phone 7 OS as its recent partnership with Nokia has seen the new OS experience a 24% growth in Europe during July this year.

It’s a huge rise which is undoubtedly due to the release of Nokia’s budget smartphone, the Nokia Lumia 610, and the new top end Lumia 900.

However, the rise still only accounts for 1.68% of the market in Europe, showing that the Windows Phone OS has a lot of work to do, but with the arrival of the next iteration, OS Windows Phone 8, coming later this year Microsoft should see a bigger rise in a year’s time.

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