Apple iPhone 6 to come with NFC tech and new Wireless Payment System

We now know that Apple will be taking to the stage on September the 9th of announce the new iPhone 6 (or whatever it will be called!) and possibly a new range of Apple iWatch wearable tech, but leaks are still coming in as to what to expect from the incoming Apple iPhone 6.

The latest leak is surrounding the iPhone 6 having an in built NFC payment system and a new mobile payment platform, as reported by Wired. The website states that the NFC payment system will be a key feature in the iPhone announcements, so Apple will be putting a lot of force behind it.

See also: First Shots of Production iPhone 6 Leaked

Its not a bad time for Apple to start pushing the NFC payments systems, as Wireless Payments are really starting to take off across the globe. Here in the UK’s capital, TFL announced that they are now cash free on London transport with users now only being able to pay via oyster, Wireless payment or cards, plus many major retail chains are cottoning onto the speed of wireless payments.

The leaked info isn’t the first time that Apple have been rumored to be working on a wireless payments system (something similar to Google Wallet),  as last year EE CEO Olaf Swantee told Stuff that his company had been in mobile payment discussions with Apple.

Apple are one of the few companies that has strayed away for NFC technology in any of its devices, and for such a big innovator this has always come as a shock to fans, but what this does mean is that if Apple are releasing a Wireless payments system on the new iPhone 6 then it will have been well thought out by Apple.

NFC tech could also be part of the rumored Apple iWatch release that we are now expecting to come with the iPhone 6 announcement on September the 9th.