Apple iPhone and iPad: Sales figures show massive growth

Apple has revealed its vital statistics in its quarterly review, proudly showing the world that its front runners – the iPhone and iPad – are bringing home the bacon to great effect. The company has posted a quarterly profit of $7.31 billion (£4.53 billion), which is almost double that of the same quarter in 2010.

The iPhone and iPad have helped with the majority of that. The iPhone has surged in sales, with numbers increasing by 183 per cent and 20.34 million units flying off shelves this quarter. The iPad has been a similar success, itself climbing 142 per cent with the launch of the iPad 2, helping Apple shift 9.25 million units.

While Android mobile handsets continue to do well in the face of Apple, it’s those iPad figures that should have Google worried – not one of the plethora of Android tablets on offer has come close to matching the iPads success.

Why exactly is Apple doing so well in this market? Also, what would you invest in with over £4 billion in profit? Let us know on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.