Apple releases iOS 5 Software Update – Available now for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

iOS 5, Apple’s latest big software update for devices such as the iPhone 4, iPod Touch and iPad, is now available to download from iTunes worldwide.

Apple made an update to iTunes last night in preparation for the update, so users will need to download or update to version 10.5 firstly. If you’ve already got iTunes installed on your PC, then click ‘help’ at the top and then ‘check for update’. If you have a Mac, open the Software Update utility and check for updates there. Finally, if you don’t yet have iTunes, head to to download the latest version.

iTunes 10.5 adds the ability to sync Apple devices via Wi-Fi, saving the hassle of finding a USB cable and plugging in. The new version also includes the latest iCloud utility (currently U.S. only) that allows users to store their music, photos, videos and more online and access them wirelessly from an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

The primary reason for the update, of course, is to allow users to update their iDevices to the latest iOS 5 software. Apple announced the new software back in June at their World Wide Developers Conference, and again walked us through its benefits at last week’s ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ event, where they announced the new iPhone 4S.

iOS 5 brings a huge update to the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad and iPad 2. One of the biggest additions is iMessage, an instant messaging app that works between any Apple device using iOS 5. Apple are hoping this will rival BlackBerry and the BBM service, which it could well do, especially after RIM’s recent outages.

Other additions include Newsstand, an app where users can buy and subscribe to magazines and publications, Notification Centre, whereby users can view notifications while in the lockscreen and in one place by dragging their finger down the screen, and deep Twitter integration into native apps such as the Camera.

We’ve got a big run down and much more detail on the new features of iOS 5 in our previous article which can be found here.

The update is completely free to download for users of the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2, iPod Touch 3rd Generation and iPod Touch 4th Generation. Simply connect your device, ensure iTunes is updated to version 10.5 and you should be prompted in seconds to download and install iOS 5 onto your device.

What are you waiting for? Start downloading and let us know your thoughts on the new features in our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.