Apple TV set to get BBC iPlayer following European launch on iPad

Is a BBC and Apple alliance in the works? BBC Worldwide is beginning to live up to its name with iPlayer, which is now set to take over our global neighbours in Europe via iPad app – The next step is suggested to be a leap onto Apple TV.

From today, a paid service costing €7 per month (or €50 per year) will bring our British blend of humour, drama and documentary to France, Spain, Italy, et al. This allows our friends over the channel to tune into our channels and enjoy on-demand, streaming and downloadable programming including the latest Eastenders to some classic Fawlty Towers at the touch of a button – or touch of a touchscreen, to bring it up to date.

iPlayer’s European vacation is to act as a test phase before the Beeb take the service further afield – namely the huge television market of the United States. With Apple said to upgrade its TV service, incorporating a new A5 chip upping it’s capabilities to true 1080p 1920 x 1080 HD. We think now that “our” iPlayer has set sail it’s the perfect chance to bring together a telly super-union.

“This is a pilot – we want to learn more about on-demand behaviour … We think the next phase will be on iPhones and Apple TV” says Jana Bennett, President of BBC Worldwide Networks.

Since its UK launch on Christmas Day in 2007, the BBC iPlayer was brought in as a catch-up service, providing 7-days of past television and radio programming from the 3 British Broadcasting Corporation channels to be digitally played back thus “making the unmissable, unmissable”. Since that time it has expanded to include many programmes from the Auntie’s vault and has recently updated to include the ability to search for programming from other UK broadcasters include ITV, Channel 4 and Five.

Would you consider buying an Apple TV box if it came with all the BBC iPlayer goodies? Send us your thoughts via tweet to the Official Gadget Helpline Twitter or drop us a comment on our Official Facebook page!