Apple’s Black Friday deals in the UK offer up to 10% discount on iPads

To us in the UK, Thanksgiving and the subsequent Black Friday shopping phenomenon are still a bit alien, but over the past few years we too have been enjoying a discount frenzy once a year thanks to our American cousins.

Today Apple has launched its Black Friday deals with discounts on iPads, MacBooks, the last two generations of the iPod Touch and iPod Nano, plus a boatload of the accessories for all devices to US and UK customers.

Amongst some of the big name savings and price cuts include an £81 discount off all MacBook Air and MacBook Pro notebooks, which include the larger 15-inch and brand new 13-inch Retina Display MacBooks.

The iPad 2 and the latest 4th generation iPad with Retina display also are seeing discounts with UK customers able to get anywhere between 7% and 10% off devices depending on the size you desire. The bigger the memory the more you get off!

This means you can pick up an iPad 2 from £308 (with a £21 discount) or the new iPad with Retina display for £368 (a £31 discount). Other products up for discount are the new iPod Touch 5th gen and the older 4th gen media players, the iPod Nano, Apple’s Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse, which both see a £11 discount, and you can now pick up a pair of Apple’s new EarPod headphones for as little as £18.

The past few years have seen a rise in the Black Friday deals becoming available in the UK with the event predominantly being a US only deal, but with major retailers and manufacturers such as Amazon, Sony and Apple all offering similar discounts to us in the UK as our US counterparts, things certainly are looking good for Black Friday becoming a UK event too.

Amazon has been running Black Friday deals all week as part of a fire sale where products are on a timed release over the day with a limited amount of stock of each item generating hype.

Happy Black Friday shoppers!

See also: Apple iTunes 11 to be released within the next few days

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